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G-Star International uses solely the following wallet address | Gstar

G-Star International uses solely the following wallet address for recharge and the corresponding customer service phone numbers for communication and support.

1. USDT-TRC : TTzS3T1t35o2k3Qpc5nJD46psp4Yk811qV

2. USDT-TRC : TQukDSPsVJogyoMZGKW9u2UD6v7DjAi5dv

Green VIP Channel address:
3. USDT-TRC : TXwYrhWFYh8KpcWJfzUaRYeN8NxbfD3HmZ

Finance Department address:
4. USDT-TRC : TWe8DhSB3Lprg8TaSbLx7rqeq2Sk8gAHjt


Gstar International customer service:

VIP Marketing service:

Financial Department

NOTE: We recommend all platform users to recognise our corresponding wallet address and customers service numbers to avoid being victimised by pretentious third party agents. Always contact customer service directly from the platform for more information and recharge wallet address. G-Star management will not be responsible for missing funds sent to fake wallet address or miscommunication with FAKE agents.